
When students can remain at their schools and receive the supports they need, they are more likely to be successful academically, have better peer and family relationships, and build confidence for a strong future.

WHat we do

Lincoln Families’ Helping Open Pathways to Education (HOPE) program supports youth and families to address barriers to academic achievement, preparing classrooms and schools to be welcoming, and helping students be successful in their neighborhood schools. Our staff provide intensive integrated behavioral supports for students, families, and schools through:

Student Counseling & Family Engagement - Providing intensive trauma-informed therapeutic services to students whose emotional and behavioral needs are creating obstacles to their success at school, and supports to bridge families with teachers and administrators

Teacher Consultation & Student Supports - Providing educators general support, classroom observation, and trauma-informed strategies and tools to maximize student achievement and reduce behavior issues; and providing students with short-term targeted individual and group interventions

Whole School Supports - Working with administrators in the integration of school-wide culture initiatives and climate improvement strategies

Expressive Art Therapy - Reducing the negative impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences and toxic stress on students through PAINT, an innovative mental health intervention promoting expression of feelings and resilience


Our why

Depression and anxiety, among California youth ages 3-17, rate second highest in the U.S. according to the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s 2022 Kids Count Data Book. Rates in California rose 70% --- nearly three times as much, from 2016-2020. Seven out of nine students working with Lincoln’s HOPE staff have had at least one significant Adverse Childhood Experience, such as the loss of a parent, growing up in a household with someone struggling with substances or mental health concerns, or witnessing violence in the home or community. Because students spend the majority of their day at school, the need for the mental health services that Lincoln Families provides in schools, in homes, and in communities is now more critical than ever.



95% of teachers reported reductions in disciplinary interventions and increased positive coping skills for students

93% of students improved school functioning, including attendance, attention, and school discipline

90% of students improved behavioral and emotional functioning, including depression, anxiety, and adjustment to trauma



Jessica Rojas, LCSW
SBS Program Director
510.273.4700 x3011

Phoebe Harris Millman, LCSW
SBS Clinical Director
510.273.4700 x3014

Ana Mejia, LMFT
SBS Program Director
510.273.4700, x4157

Nancy Harrington, LMFT
SBS Clinical Director
510.273.4700, x4139


"The program has been helpful to my child because it shows my son how to react and sit down and express his emotions and himself. Just don’t go ahead and get angry and irritated. Just sit down and calm down and see how his emotions are." — HOPE parent