Training Institute
Lincoln Families Training Institute offers high quality, relevant, interactive trainings on a wide range of mental health topics to our staff and the larger community. The Training Institute is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LPCCs, LCSWs, and MFTs.
Training Calendar
You can attend trainings at no cost if you provide care and/or services as a staff member, caregiver, or volunteer working directly with foster, adoptive or probation-involved children, youth, and their families in Alameda, Solano, Mendocino, Lake, Contra Costa, Humboldt, Tuolumne, and Calaveras only. Unfortunately, participants outside of these areas aren't eligible.
Please click on the calendar link below for upcoming training opportunities. If you are interested in attending a training, click the registration link on the calendar, which will direct you to the Eventbrite registration page for the training. If you register for a training and can no longer attend, please cancel your registration within 72 hours of the scheduled date via the Eventbrite confirmation email. Our trainings are popular, and we want those on the waiting list to be able to attend, if possible.
For more information about trainings offered by Lincoln Families and other agencies in Alameda County, please click below.
Continuing Education Units
Lincoln Families maintains responsibility for programs, courses, and their content. Courses meet the qualifications for Continuing Education Credits (CEU’s) for LFMTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. CEU’s will not be administered for meals and breaks.
CEU’s will be issued to participants after:
Completed attendance of a training in its entirety
Completed and submitted training evaluation form
Email requesting CEUs sent to Alisha Young at alishayoung@lincolnfamilies.org
If we cancel training or a special event as a result of low registration, registrants will be notified by email or phone one week prior to the training date. If courses are cancelled for reasons beyond our control, then registrants will be given shorter notice.
In accordance with California Civil Code Section 54.1, any disabled person who requires accommodations to participate in our trainings are asked to please contact the Training Institute at 510-273-4700,x4132 at least three days in advance.
If a grievance arises pertaining to a Lincoln Families training, please submit a written complaint to Lincoln Families, Training Director, 150 Linden Street, Oakland, CA 94607 or by email to minjonlenoir@lincolnfamilies.org. Once a complaint or grievance has been submitted, you can expect a response in no more than ten (10) business days. Upon receipt, the Training Director will conduct a formal review of the complaint/grievance and will attempt a timely resolution.
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