
The destiny of a child living in the Bay Area should not be determined by their zip code. The truth is, just a few city blocks can separate youth who experience the benefits of affluence and those who attend lower funded schools with crowded classrooms, insufficient resources, and fewer enrichment opportunities. Lincoln Families provides educational engagement, literacy programs, and mental health services in schools to close the opportunity gap for youth and level the academic playing field.


School Readiness
Young children who attend high-quality early childhood programs and whose parents get the supports they need, make important gains in language, social emotional growth, and cognitive development. Children who experience these programs are more likely to graduate from high school, attend college, and be employed as adults. Lincoln's NEST (Nurture, Educate, Support, Thrive) early childhood program provides supports for children, families, and educators to build school readiness and social emotional skills.



Educational Access for All Children
No two learners are alike, so the most effective learning environments support and address the individual needs of each child. For children with unique learning needs, this is even more critical. Lincoln Families' EXCEL (Excellence through Counseling, Education and Learning) provides behavioral supports for students, families, and schools to develop tools and learning environments for academic success.



Pathways to Education
When students can remain at their schools and receive the supports they need, they are more likely to be successful academically, have better peer and family relationships, and build confidence for a strong future. Lincoln's HOPE program provides integrated behavioral supports for students, families, and schools to develop tools and learning environments for academic success.


Highland Family Resource Center

Engaged Families
When families are involved with their child’s school, everything improves from student performance and family satisfaction to school and community relationships. In urban communities, barriers such as language and lack of resources add to lower levels of engagement. Through Lincoln’s FRC hub attached to the campus of the Highland Community School in East Oakland, we engage families, and provide access to information, connections to neighborhood resources, and opportunities to develop new skills.


Oakland Freedom School

Empowered Youth
Students from low socio-economic backgrounds face a widening achievement gap during the summer, particularly in reading proficiency. Lincoln’s Oakland Freedom Schools (OFS) level the playing field by providing culturally relevant summer literacy programming, which builds strong, literate, and empowered scholars and youth.


School Engagement Program

Attendance and Achievement
Students who miss school are far more likely to drop out and engage in high-risk behavior or contact with the legal system. Truancy doesn't just affect youth, but also the adults they will become. Lincoln's School Engagement Program (SEP) provides support and assistance to youth and families to reduce chronic truancy and improve attendance.


West Oakland Initiative

Youth Wellness
Lincoln's West Oakland Initiative (WOI) is a culturally responsive academic intervention and wellness program that integrates in-class supports, social-emotional development, parent engagement, and case management. WOI strengthens literacy rates and addresses educational equity among K-12th graders attending West Oakland public schools.