Lincoln Families prioritizes community and staff engagement to improve the systems that serve youth and families, inform our strategic involvement in collective social action, and align programs with need. We are committed to promoting, galvanizing, and healing the communities we serve, involving staff in decision making, and building organizational capacity to participate in community change.
In 2024, Lincoln Families launched our comprehensive 5-year Strategic Plan —- a visionary roadmap that evolves our mission, clarifies our vision, and details our goals and growth in four key areas:
Innovate for Impact: Innovating service models, advocating for systems change, and building on partnerships to meet community needs.
Be the Best: Creating an effective, inclusive, and responsive workplace culture with teams who reflect the communities we serve.
Engage Communities: Strengthening sustainability by building awareness, diversifying funding, and engaging communities in our work.
Do It Well: Supporting staff, programs, and services through equitable practices, shared decision-making, and effective communications / processes.
Place-Based Care: Advocating for sustainable funding streams for Family Resource Centers.
Racial Justice: Expanding access to quality, culturally relevant behavioral healthcare through reducing barriers for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) professionals entering and thriving in mental health fields.
Economic Mobility: Advancing economic mobility in under-resourced communities; protecting safety-net programs; reducing the wealth gap; and promoting housing as a fundamental human right.
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