Project Permanence
Youth who have been in foster care, the juvenile justice system -- or both -- typically face great challenges as they transition back to their families. Many have experienced trauma and have been completely removed from family and their community, which has a significant impact on their ability to trust and have healthy relationships. Repairing and building relationships within the family and community is critical to well-being and a successful transition to a stable and permanent family environment.
What we do
Lincoln Families’ Project Permanence program provides supports for youth to stay in their community with their families and prevent out of home placement. Our staff deliver intensive culturally responsive, trauma-informed home-based supports through four phases of service:
Family Engagement: Identifying the family’s strengths and cultural experiences to determine together specific community support needs;
Goal Setting: Working together to develop and implement an individualized plan of care designed to meet the goals set by the youth and family;
Plan Implementation: Supporting the family in driving their plan and effectively meeting their goals;
Transition: Celebrating the family’s success and strengthening links to identified community supports for sustained stability and permanence.
Our Why
Youth who have been in foster care, the juvenile justice system – or both – typically face great challenges as they transition back to their families. Many have experienced trauma and have been completely removed from family and their community, which has a significant impact on their ability to trust and have healthy relationships. Repairing and building relationships within the family and community is critical to well-being and a successful transition to a stable and permanent family environment.
100% of youth demonstrated a significant improvement in their behavioral/emotional and school functioning.
100% of Project Permanence youth remained in their home six months after successful completion of the Lincoln program.
Project Permanence Snapshot & Impact Report
Project Permanence Mission Statement: We WRAParound each other and our families, so we can teach our families to WRAParound themselves.
Referral Line 510.421.7702 - We work with youth of any age who are referred through Alameda County foster care or probation agencies. Referring is easy. If you are an Alameda County child welfare worker or probation officer and have a family or youth that would benefit from our services, please call our referral line below. Our Intake Coordinator will take you through a simple screening process to assess if this is the right referral for your client.
Merlin Edwards II
Program Manager
“Today, with the help of Project Permanence, Milton is on track for graduation. He has developed strong independent living skills, improved wellness, and is making friends. He was recently nominated homecoming king at his school and has received athletic scholarship offers from several colleges.”
— Project Permanence Staff