Lincoln Moves Back to Its Roots

Dear Friends,

We have officially moved! Our headquarters is now located at 1266 14th Street in West Oakland. As we have shifted our services to better meet the needs of children and youth in their homes, schools and communities, we have seen great results, with more children remaining with families, and in their schools.

We have just completed Lincoln's plan for the next three years with these goals: 1) increase access to services for children and youth regardless of funding, 2) better measure results and outcomes for our services, 3) strengthen our infrastructure so we attract the best staff and provide high quality services, and 4) effectively communicate Lincoln's mission to better reflect what we are doing today and what we hope for in the future.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts on Lincoln's future direction!

In Service,

Christine Stoner-Mertz, LCSW
President and CEO


Taking Service to the Students


Lincoln Provides HOPE