Therapeutic Behavioral Services
Life with a child struggling with severe emotional and behavioral issues can become an overwhelming stress for the whole family, and jeopardize the child’s ability to remain at home.
What We Do
Lincoln Families’ Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS) program provides supports for youth who are at risk of losing their home placement due to their behaviors. Our staff teams work with the entire family to find solutions to ensure stability and reduce and manage challenging behaviors. Services include:
Comprehensive Assessment: Together with caregivers, assessing and understanding what’s behind challenging behaviors;
Plan Development: Working together to develop an individualized family-focused plan to modify target behaviors, address environmental conditions, achieve measurable goals, and sustain improvements and gains long-term.
Implementation & Coaching: Utilizing culturally responsive interventions, working with youth and families to learn new behaviors and coping skills;
Coordination of Care: Collaborating with primary mental health providers, school personnel, and others to strengthen stability and permanence.
Our Why
Life with a child struggling with severe emotional and behavioral issues can become overwhelmingly stressful for the whole family, and jeopardize the child’s ability to remain at home. To ensure stability and success, the entire family must be involved in finding solutions for reducing and managing challenging behaviors long-term. A collaborative approach is critical, working with children, youth, parents, caregivers, foster parents, group home staff, and school personnel to learn strategies and skills to increase the kinds of behaviors for children to succeed and stay at home.
100% of youth made progress towards successful completion of the program;
85% of youth learned skills to manage behaviors, stay at home, and succeed;
85% of participating youth had no mental health hospitalizations.
*Outcomes reflect clients who’ve recieved three months of direct service.
Resources & INFO
Services - The intensity and length of services is guided by the needs of each child, including: 1) 45-day assessment period to determine if services are appropriate and deliverable; 2) delivery in locations where children experience the greatest problems; and 3) transition plan to sustain improvements and gains.
Eligibility: Children and youth under age 21 who have serious emotional challenges and who are beneficiaries of full-scope Medi-Cal. In addition, to qualify, a child must be at risk of placement in a RCL 12 or higher group home or psychiatric hospital, or have a history of psychiatric hospitalization within the past 24 months, or be in an RCL 12 (or higher) group home and need services to prevent placement failure.
Referrals - Because TBS services are an adjunct service to support current treatment, children must be referred for TBS in Alameda County by their mental health clinician. Parents, caregivers, foster parents, CASAs, social workers, probation officers and mental health providers can ask for TBS services from the child’s mental health clinician.
Brian Lau
Program Manager
“Le doy gracias a Dios por ver encontrado este programa porque le ayudó mucho a mi hija me siento muy contenta porque gracias a la ayuda del programa y y a Jose que tuvo mucha paciencia con ella mi hija está mucho mejor y les agradezco mucho gracias.”
“Thank God for…this program…because it helped my daughter a lot, I feel very happy because thanks to the help of the program and to Jose who had a lot of patience with her, my daughter is much better and I thank you very much, thank you.”
— TBS Caregiver